Silver Yee

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Educational Content & Outreach Manager

Silver Yee completed her Master Degree in Cultural Studies and Criticism (MA) from Graduate Institute of Dance, Taipei National University of the Arts.

During her MA study in Taiwan, she has performed dance works for local and international artists, including “Remember not to say goodbye” by Lucas
 Viallefond, “But You Didn’t” by Jack Kek, “Thought and Voice of the Body” by Kathyn Tan, Mary Wigman’s “Dance of Death II” reconstructed by Henrietta Horn, “Unspeakable” by Su Shu etc.

In 2017, she made her choreography and production debut, “Kill Your Darlings”, with Jason Yap in klpac. In 2020, she collaborated with Kyson Teo and Lim Thou Chun to create a full length site-specific performance piece “Where Souls Meet” in Kluang.

As a dancer and arts administrator, she has toured internationally including Japan, Hong Kong, Indonesia and Scotland.

Currently she is pursuing her PhD in Dance at Taipei National University of the Arts.