Choreography Episodes

A term that originated from dance and stayed true to the art form, choreography could be experienced at many levels. Amongst the topics range from Choreographer Review, Tools and Techniques and Newest Innovations.
July 21, 2024

Creativity in Screendance | Mike Tyus

Long before the formulation of the world’s first MA in Screendance by the LCDS, the genre had already dated as far back to the early days of cinema. Gene Kelly emerged as a prominent figure during the 1940s and 50s …

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July 7, 2024

Puppetry in Dance Theatre | Duda Paiva

While most of us aspiring contemporary dancers will decide to undergo formal training under the foundations of Graham, Cunningham, Limon and various others, a small subset has diverted into the wondrous world of puppet theatr...

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Nov. 21, 2021

Choreography: Identifying Style as a Creator | Adam Tan

How could we identify and solidify personal style as a creator in such an overwhelmingly saturated world? Ever wondered why Urban/LA Choreography has grown into the cultural (TikTok) phenomenon it is today? While choreography...

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Nov. 7, 2021

Choreography: Building an Online Marketplace | Rick Tjia

How does a piece of choreography extend its lifespan and visibility beyond the point of creation? Why have both music and the visual arts speared ahead with copyright and licensing frameworks while dance lags far behind? Chor...

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