Have you ever suffered a catastrophic injury? How does one recover and regain peak condition following damage to the anatomy? Amidst the many inherent challenges within the dance sphere — a beacon of hope shines at the NYU La...
What exactly is Dance Science? What are the main foundations that constitute its rich and detailed history? Given dance's unique position at the intersection of arts and sports, it was inevitable that this field would eventua...
What was our first ever universal language? No, it did not require speech as there was only movement at the very beginning. Vincent Yong is Singapore's sole Certified Movement Analyst, Somatic Movement Therapist and founder o...
Who do you ultimately serve? No, I don't mean as an employee or such, but as a human being who's driven to bring value to others. When you wake up every morning, ask yourself these questions: Who do you dance for? Why do you ...
Where can dancers turn to for an interest or career in science? The overarching aim of dance science is to optimize dancer performance and minimize injury risk for the prolongation of one's professional life. Edel Quin is the...
What do doctors and dancers have in common? They both apply the human body as main instruments! Yes, medical expertise can benefit dancer wellbeing in a multitude of ways, but you obviously need an actual doctor present for t...