Interdisciplinarity Episodes

The performing arts have always been a crossover o f multiple aesthetics and methodologies dating back to the very start. Let's break them down and see how dance interacts with other disciplines within and outside the arts!
Dec. 22, 2024

Palette of the Modern Impresario | Paul Seaquist

A true modern day producer who has traversed across different art forms in the search for talent and great work!

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Dec. 8, 2024

Talking Circus with CircusTalk | Stacy Clark

Send us a text The memory of my first-ever invert on a pole — when I hung upside down—remains vivid as if it happened yesterday. That experience with the circus arts community in Malaysia opened my eyes to a vast and captivat...

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Oct. 24, 2021

Interdisciplinarity: Dance and the Theatre Maker | Ho Ying Fung

Love to both dance and act? Maybe you don't need to choose one over the other after all. But what exactly is the connection between dance and theatre in contemporary times? From the heydays of DV8 Physical Theatre, Pina Bausc...

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Oct. 10, 2021

Interdisciplinarity: Philosophizing Dance Aesthetics | Henry Lai

How does dance and philosophy intertwine as an art form? Is dance a philosophy itself? Much of dance has evolved from a performative act into the universal thought process and stream of consciousness that has shaped the world...

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